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MUSystem Help:

Here’s How to Receive a donation (make withdrawal, sell tokens)

It is assumed that you are already:

This video shows how to check the balance of the tokens and sell all the tokens that participant has. Of course, you can sell any number of your tokens - fully or partly.

A feature of the Etherium network is charging a transaction fee for interaction with a smartcontract. From this it follows that for carrying out the functions of depositing and withdrawing it is necessary to pay a small commission. Make sure that before you perform the withdrawing function, there is sufficient amount in your wallet to perform the function. Here is how to choice the optimal fee size.

1. Specify the withdrawal amount or number of tokens.

For convenience, the amount is indicated in finney, for example 1.23 ETH should be written as 1230.

Number of tokens to be sold must be entered without the decimal point!

2. Use your private key or keystore file to open your Ethereum wallet. 
Select and paste your private key or upload the keystore file to unlock your Ethereum wallet. Click Unlock and then WRITE.

3. Generate & Confirm the transaction.


Since the withdrawal amount (or number of tokens) is already specified, the Amount to Send you should leave as 0. If you specify the amount here, it will be transferred from your wallet!

Do not thange Gas Limit, this is an unchangeable parameter.

Click Generate Transaction.

Click Yes, I am sure! Make transaction.

4. See your increased ETH balance.

It depends on your wallet interface, for MyEtherWallet go to “View Wallet Info” and you'll see Account Balance.

© Mutual Uniting System based on algorithm working since 1994.

MUSystem is MY system for a better life in prosperity and abundance!

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