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Basic Provisions of MUSystem

Mutual Uniting System is the legacy of the great Russian mathematician and financial genius Sergei Mavrodi, who gave the world the idea of liberation from the bonds of the cruel and unfair current financial system. Working until the end of His days without holidays and vacations, He never pursued any personal interests. He infected millions of people around the world in 119 countries with the idea of mutual assistance. Let now His soul rest in peace. Because today there are many people who should continue His great work.

People thought that this was the end, but this is only the beginning. After the death of Sergei Mavrodi, the mathematical & financial algorithms created by the genius of Mavrodi became available to the general public thanks to His brother Vyacheslav Mavrodi (Read the Appeal). These algorithms, as well as modern and progressive technologies of the distributed registry (distributed database) - blockchain and crypto currencies, have allowed to create the Mutual Uniting System. The idea of mutual assistance and justice is an integral part of the Mutual Uniting System.

Mutual Uniting System is not a person, not a group of people. Mutual Uniting System is a program created by a Russian enthusiast and a dedicated MMM member since 2011, in strict accordance with the Mavrodi's mathematical algorithm. The program is not controlled by anyone. Nobody has the opportunity to make adjustments to the program since its launch. Nobody has the ability to stop the program. Mutual Uniting System is completely open - all statistical information is always available for viewing.

The main task of MUSystem is the redistribution of the society's free funds in favor of, in the first place, the least socially protected members.

The main principle of MUSystem activity is that the principle of mutual trust between participants should be higher than the principle of mutual obligations between them.

© Mutual Uniting System based on algorithm working since 1994.

MUSystem is MY system for a better life in prosperity and abundance!

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