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MUSystem Help:

Here’s How to Work with the MUSystem smartcontract

2. Enter Contract Address.

In the Contract Address field,

Select-Copy-Paste all the text below:

Tip for Windows users:


To select

all the text

in the data field,


a triple

mouse click

in the field.

Why should I interact with a smartcontract?

The core of MUSystem is a program in the Ethereum blockchain, which is called "smartcontract". Probably, many new participants expect to see something similar to a Personal Office. In fact, a smartcontract provides several functions at once, replacing a traditional personal offices. So, the smartcontract allows you to buy tokens, sell tokens, display the balance of the participant's tokens, show data about the current package of tokens. If one of these terms raises questions, we recommend that you read the Methodology again.

In the previous step, we've opened the Ethereum wallet. It's time to get access to the MUSystem smartontract and see how to work with it.

How to get access to the smartcontract to participate in MUSystem (video)

1. Go to

You will be given the opportunity to enter the parameters

(access data) of the smartcontract for interaction with it.

SC Data

3. Enter ABI / JSON.

In the ABI / JSON Interface field,

SelectAll-Copy-Paste all the text below:

And click Access button.

4. Congratulations!

Now everything is ready for sending and receiving donations.


Access to the MUSystem smartcontract is received and in the drop-down list you can see available functions. 

In the following we describe in detail all available functions. Clicking on the link will open the description page.

This is main functions of MUSystem:

This is Ethereum tokens standard functions:



This is a security icon of the MUSystem smartcontract.

If there were any change to the address, the resulting icon would be a completely

different one.

Check this.

© Mutual Uniting System based on algorithm working since 1994.

MUSystem is MY system for a better life in prosperity and abundance!

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