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Most popular Ethereum Wallets

Ethereum wallet to interact with a smartcontract, all functions are unified in accordance with the standard ERC20, adopted in the Ethereum network.

Ethereum Wallet

Here will be shown the creation of the Ethereum account and the principle of interaction with the MUSystem interface using Ethereum Wallet - the most popular application for Ethereum blockchain.

Ethereum Wallet
Download and install Ethereum wallet MIST
Create a new account in Ethereum wallet
CONTRACTS tab in Ethereum wallet
WATCH CONTRACT in Ethereum walet
WATCH NEW CONTRACT in Ethereum walet

1. Download and install the application:


2. Create a new account. You must wait for the database to be synchronized before continuing.

Through the exchange (or directly) transfer ether to your account.

3. Go to the CONTRACTS tab.


5. Enter the information correctly:

In the CONTRACT ADDRESS field, paste the MUSystem smartcontract address:


This is a security icon of the MUSystem smartcontract. If there were any change to the address, the resulting icon would be a completely different one. Check this.

In the JSON INTERFACE field, paste the text below:

Enter the name MUSystem in the CONTRACT NAME field.

After click OK and if all is entered correctly, the MUSystem smartcontract will be displayed in the application.

WATCH TOKEN in Ethereum wallet
WATCH NEW TOKEN in Ethereum wallet

6. Add the ability to keep track of the number of your tokens.

Select WATCH TOKEN and in the opened form paste the address of the smartcontract from item 5 in the TOKEN CONTRACT ADDRESS field. Other fields will be filled automatically. Then, click YES.

Now everything is ready for participating in MUSystem by sending and receiving donations.

Select and execute the function in Ethereum wallet
Displaying tokens in Ethereum wallet

7. To send a donation (buy tokens):
a) click on the smartcontract icon,
b) select the Deposit function,
c) specify the amount,
d) click EXECUTE.

After a while, the application will display the number of your tokens calculated based on the sellout price of the current package and the methodology of MUSystem.

You can see the integer and decimal parts, because one token has 15 decimal places.

Select and execute the function in Ethereum wallet

8. To receive a donation (make withdrawal, sell tokens):
a) click on the smartcontract icon,
b) select the Withdrawal function,
c) specify the withdrawal amount (for convenience, the amount is indicated in the finney, for example 1.23 ether should be written as 1230) or number of tokens to be sold (without the decimal point!),
d) click EXECUTE.

After a while, the balance of your account will receive the ether amount calculated based on the byuout price of the current package and the methodology of MUSystem.

Displaying information about the smartcontract in Ethereum wallet

9. Information about the current package is always shown.

MyEtherWallet logo

Metamask + MyEtherWallet

Here will be shown the creation of the Ethereum account and the principle of interaction with the MUSystem interface using the browser extension MetaMask and site MyEtherWallet.

Download Metamask

1. Download and install the MetaMask extension for your browser:


Download Metamask

2. After installing the extension, viewing your Ethereum account will be accessible directly from the browser.


Download Metamask

3. Through the exchange (or directly) transfer ether to your account.


Download Metamask

4. Go to the site that will allow you to interact with the MUSystem smartcontract.

Select the Contracts section.

In the Contract Address field, paste the MUSystem smartcontract address:


This is a security icon of the MUSystem smartcontract. If there were any change to the address, the resulting icon would be a completely different one. Check this.

Download Metamask
Download Metamask
Download Metamask
Download Metamask
Download Metamask
Download Metamask
Download Metamask

In the ABI / JSON Interface field, paste the text below:

Click Access button.

Access to the MUSystem smartcontract is received and in the drop-down list there are available functions. 


Now everything is ready for participating in MUSystem by sending and receiving donations.

5.1. To send a donation (buy tokens):

In the drop-down list, select Deposit function.


5.2. Select MetaMask / Mist and click Connect to MetaMask button.

Then click WRITE.

5.3. Specify the Amount to Send in ether.

This screenshot shows the amount of 0.03 ether, i.e. 30 finney.

Click Generate Transaction.

Click Yes, I am sure! Make transaction.

5.4. A MetaMask notification will be displayed, where you can check the amount of the deposit.

You can reduce the commission for the transaction. Reducing the recommended commission will increase the processing time of the transaction. Reduce the commission at your own risk.

Click Save to save the comission value, then click CONFIRM to send ether to the MUSystem smartcontract.

You will receive the number of tokens calculated based on the sellout price of the current package and the methodology of MUSystem.

Download Metamask

6. Add the ability to keep track of the number of your tokens.

In the MetaMask pop-up window click Menu, click ADD TOKEN button and on the Custom Token tab paste the address of the smartcontract from item 4 in the Token Address field. Other fields will be filled automatically.

Click NEXT.


The number of your tokens will be displayed in the MetaMask window.

Download Metamask
Download Metamask

7. You can also check your balance of tokens using

Copy the address of your Ethereum account from the MetaMask pop-up window.

Go to, in the drop-down list, select balanceOF function.

Paste your Ethereum account adress in the tokenOwner field.

Click READ button.

The balance of your tokens will be shown. Remember that the ICC token has 15 decimal places.

Download Metamask

8.1. To receive a donation (make withdrawal, sell tokens):

In the drop-down list, select Withdraw function.

8.2. Specify the withdrawal amount (for convenience, the amount is indicated in the finney, for example 1.23 ether should be written as 1230) or number of tokens to be sold (without the decimal point!).


In this example, the number of tokens for sale is specified, and the amount is not specified.


8.3. Click WRITE.

Download Metamask
Download Metamask
Download Metamask

8.4. Since the amount is already specified, in the Amount to Send field, you must specify 0.

Click Generate Transaction.

Click Yes, I am sure! Make transaction.

8.5. If you wish, reduce the commission for the transaction (item 5.4) and click CONFIRM.

After a while, the balance of your ether account will receive the ether amount calculated based on the byuout price of the current package and the methodology of MUSystem.

Download Metamask

9. Information about the current package is displayed after the function AboutCurrentPack call.

© Mutual Uniting System based on algorithm working since 1994.

MUSystem is MY system for a better life in prosperity and abundance!

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