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Mutual Uniting System
the system of voluntary donations
works on the basis of a glorious MMM algorithm developed by Sergey Mavrodi - Great Russian Mathematical Genius
MUSystem Help:
What is the MUSystem DApp?
A Dapp (decentralized application) is a ‘blockchain enabled’ website, where the Smart Contract is what allows it to connect to the blockchain.
Dapp is a reliable and secure system for storing and managing any type of data.
The MUSystem Dapp allows you to work with the MUSystem smart contract directly through a convenient interface of the usual web page.
There are many Dapp catalogues on the Internet. Like the App Store or Google Play, these catalogues allow you to perform various smart contracts. Games, social applications, financial instruments and so on.
For example, ÐAppStore - a handy compilation of various Dapps.
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